View Profile SolarMongoose

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Recent Movie Reviews

12 Movie Reviews

Absolutely amazing.

I's funny to me all the people dissatisfied by Luigi smoking "weed," yet I've seen no one at all opposed to the severextreme physical abuse of Peach.
Seriously, Mario and Luigi are being portrayed as ELITE STREET HARDCORE GANGSTAS, YO. Smackin' down, smokin' weed, and disrespecting women is what they do, the joke being (I assume) that it's done to such an absurd degree. The author might not at all advocate the illegal use of drugs. (But he probably does :P)

Ah, and btw, flash was amazing, flawless I'd say, gj, keep up the good work, kthxdone.

This accidentally made me laugh

At the point when he finally got in the time machine and it disappeared in the cloud of smoke, a though came to me. I thought, "y'know, it would be hilarious if after this whole buildup and everything, that after the machine vanished in the flash of light, it just ended. Like, we think it's going to scene change to him traveling in time, but it turns out the machine doesn't work and he really just got vaporized."

And then, it just ended, with just the smoldering floor and scorch marks remaining. I burst out laughing, thinking that that's just what you had done. Upon retrospect, I am very doubtful that that's what you had in mind, but you do say that it's all open to our interpretation. So, that's what I'm saying is what happened. He died. As for what kind of message that could portray? "Silly man, there's no such thing as time travel."

spanio responds:

Thanks for watching. Heh.

Bawww, how cute

But to be fair, that was horable...
adhorable, that is!

Also, pics or no wife.

Recent Game Reviews

2 Game Reviews

What is this, I don't even

Well, what IS there looks... ok, but...

Maybe I just don't understand the concept of an AdverGame.

Ruddy Madagascar!

Great game... as long as frustrating qualifies as difficulty :P
So... With Madagascar being ever so elusive, I thought myself extremely lucky to start out there! Heck, I'd bide my time, have no symptoms, and as a parasite, I shouldn't be found out for a while right? Well... I was right... on that account.
But, I guess Madagascar is secretly hoarding ocean liners, because I have yet to see a single ship leave it's port... which was finally closed once 90% of their population was infected.

Some funny little quirks, like... ooh, they've begun burning bodies, despite there being no dead. The game is addicting, however, and I guess you can't ask for much more from an online flash game.

(My disease is now "Stealthy" -people are unaware of it- and "Famous" -people are quite aware of it- . It's also "harmless"... well... we'll see.)
I've been building up evo points as I wrote this, so to all of you with pent up frustration at Madagascar, rest well, knowing that at least they are about to get their's, this time.

Recent Art Reviews

1 Art Review

Very nice how much?

Very detailed. You have a few delightfully original designs in there. I like the "axes" :P. Looks like you put quite a bit of work into these. Overall everything looks fairly SWEEEET; I wish you had put in a few guns though, I think they would've looked really cool.
wait a second...
Holy Jesus!...

Can I borrow the ChainGUN Blade?

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